Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Instructor of the Month! April 2014

Ramona  Richardson has been a member of the Continuing Education family for over a year and has been a wonderful asset to the team! She taught the American Sign Language 1, 2 and 3 courses! Ramona will be leaving us after the spring; she is an amazing instructor and will be missed. 

We asked Ramona a few quick questions to get to know her better:

What is your favorite part about teaching? To watch the learning process of each student.  Everyone is different and I find it fascinating to see their minds expand, take in, commit information to memory, recall that information and ultimately learn a new language/skill.  The human brain is truly an amazing creation!

What would you name the autobiography of your life? “To Persevere is to Conquer”

What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod? Ashamed to admit it but I no longer use my iPod.  My life is so busy! I tend to sing two songs over and over in my mind because of all the trials I have endured in my life and I am here to tell my story. “Amazing Grace” and “The Lord’s Prayer” - seems cliche, but truly is why I don’t give up.

What is your favorite form of exercise? Swimming or Power Walking
What’s your current favorite TV show/Movie? Switched at Birth and my all-time favorite movie is Miss Congeniality.

What is something you learned in the last week? Have faith in everything you do. It will show to others the true meaning of “Love what you do and do what you love!”

When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time? Breathe very deep, meditate & listen to classical music (I am also a musician; miss the time playing my instruments. One day I will get back to doing that more often.)

If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose? “Ramona” in Ramona the Pest & Ramona the Brave.  My life was very similar to this fictional character with my name, quite funny actually, when you think about it.  My brothers always thought it was funny – even now.

What advice do you have for new instructors of Continuing Education? If a student needs help with the subject matter, offer to be a tutor or mentor. It is the best way for some students to learn…and sometimes they just need that “one-on-one” experience.  You will always learn something from the student in the process!

To see Ramona  Richardson’s classes and more, visit to register or get additional information. Give us a call at 254-526-1586.

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