Thursday, August 29, 2013

Guest Blog: Gardening for Beginners

I have been gardening for more than 15 years and over those years have deciphered some of the strangest and craziest vocabulary that you find in the gardening world. Trust me, if you have never looked, some of it is kind of odd! For example, have you ever wandered through the garden section of one of those big box stores and wondered what the difference between part shade and part sun on the plant tags meant?

I can honestly say that the answer is actually pretty simple! Part shade means direct morning sun, best on the east side of a building, or afternoon sun on the west side of a building with no direct midday sunlight (usually between 10:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m.). Part sun is actually very similar but can handle midday sun if that is all they get.

How can a plant be drought resistant when the plant tag advises to “water thoroughly until established?” Well, first, there are two parts to decipher. First what do they mean by drought tolerant and second, what are they calling established? Well established means that the roots have grown into the soil medium that you transplanted it to. The time for this to happen really depends on the plant itself. As for drought tolerant, well, once those roots are “established” they have the ability to pull moisture out of the soil and retain it for long periods of time within the cells of the plant. But it still needs that little help at the beginning!

  • Sep 7-14, SAT, 8:30am-12:30pm, Cost/$25
  • Oct 26-Nov 2, SAT, 8:30am-12:30pm, Cost/$25

For other classes and information please visit our Fall 2013 Catalog at

So, do you have any other questions that have been bothering you about gardening but have no desire to wade through the vast amounts of gardening information on the internet to find the answer? If the answer is yes, look to CTC Continuing Education for Gardening for Beginners!

You can register over the phone by calling us at 254-526-1586 or you can visit us on the CTC campus building 136, Room 139, located on the corner of Clear Creek and Central Texas College Drive.

Jacki Bakker


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