Monday, July 1, 2013

Presentation Do's and Don'ts!

CTC Continuing Education takes pride in serving our community with professional and quality non-credit education. I am currently reading How to Teach Adults by William A. Draves to provide great tips to use in the classroom, such as Kenneth Eble’s list of do’s and don’ts for classroom presentations from his book The Craft of Teaching.

  • Don’t begin without an introduction.
  • Don’t have a lack of contact with the audience.
  • Don’t remain in a fixed position, with your attention on your notes.
  • Don’t use a monotonous voice.
  • Don’t display fake modesty.
  • Don’t use repeated hesitations and word fillers.
  • Don’t get into private quarrels with other authorities.

  • Do fit the material into the time allotted.
  • Do seek precise examples and illustrations.
  • Do stimulate the audience’s interest.
  • Do improvise.
  • Do provide for breathing spaces and time for questions.
  • Do provide an ending every time, but maintain continuity with what lies ahead.
  • Do develop a range in voice, gestures and physical movement. Root out mannerisms and affectations.
  • Do listen to yourself.
  • Do be guided by the audience.

“One of the characteristics students value most in their teachers is authenticity. If you teach in a way that belies fundamental aspects of your personality, you will come across as stilted and inauthentic.” – Stephen Brookfield

With these things in mind, let’s all strive for performance excellence and remember that your students are our customers! Feel free to contact us if you have any suggestions, questions about teaching, or marketing needs. Let's work together to make CTC Continuing Education the best education and training provider in Central Texas!

Rufus Walker